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Something Clever

Sammy, Katie, and Kateri

Three girls from Belmont Abbey College who take on the internet in order to share our many thoughts. Each, with an interest in and love for writing, decided that there was nothing to lose and everything to gain when starting a blog. Visit the About the Authors page to learn more about us! We hope you enjoy!
If you have any comments or blog suggestions feel free to email us at
All opinions and views on this site are of the own, individual author and do not reflect the other authors nor any organization that the authors may be associated with.

Home: Welcome

Let's not get too comfortable

“Yeah, you can’t get too comfortable in life.” It was said in passing, actually in jest, and honestly, my friend probably doesn’t...

Simple Traditions

The high school experience I went through was undoubtedly different than most others. From sixth grade on up, I was placed in a small...

Being a Pen Pal

Since Christmas, I have been writing letters to one of my friends. We decided that it would be an awesome way to keep in touch and grow...

Charlotte Strong

I had just finished ordering at a local coffee shop when I hear my best friend quietly ask, “Did you know there was a shooting at UNC...

Second Semester (A Poem)

Finals Week (also, I wrote this poem instead of working on papers) There’s only 24 hours in a day I can’t waste a minute away My planner...

The Importance of Role Models

When was the last time you were asked to think about a role model? We’re asked this question often when we are young, but it is gradually...

March For Life 2019

The year 1973 is held in infamy among the pro-life community as it is the year Roe V. Wade became law. As a result of the legalization of...

Home: Blog2

Something Clever

    Hello! If you are reading this it means that you have come across our blog, Something Clever. This blog started as a New Years Resolution to write more and quickly became a fun reality for the three of us (Sammy, Katie, and Kateri). We don’t have anything specific that we are writing about, just anything and everything, yet nothing at all.

    This blog is solely for fun, but it’s also a great way for us to share our opinions and to grow as writers. We will each be writing our own blogs and, while we are close friends, our opinions will likely differ and some of our blogs may contradict, but that is because each blog is the opinion of the author.

    Between the three of us, we plan to release a minimum of one blog a week, but there will be weeks where there are more. On this page, you can find 8 sections that will be updated regularly (many blogs might [will probably] overlap in categories):

Living Life - Different stories about our lives, we’ll leave out anything incriminating. ;)

Opinions: Popular or Not - Opinions that we hold and don’t care what others think of them.

Top 10 - Literally just Top 10 list of whatever, like anything at all.

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews - The new, old, good, & bad. Anything we’ve recently come across.

Open Letters - Letters to a specific person/group & is intended for a large audience.

Probably Satire - This is definitely satire.

Our Two Cents - The advice that you may or may not have asked for.

Religion and Spirituality - Probably going to be very Catholic, but maybe not.

We will also have 2 sections that will not be updated as regularly and won’t be made solely of our contributions:

Creative Writing - The short stories and poems of us, our friends, and readers.

Quotes - Quotes to live by, quotes to make you laugh, and random things we’ve overheard.

We hope you enjoy the blog and continue to visit our page frequently! To learn more about each blogger go to the About The Author section. If you have any questions or you would like to contribute to the Creative Writing or Quotes feel free to email us at (Kateri was not a part of the blog yet when the email was created). Also please share the blogs that you enjoy! Happy reading!

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Belmont, NC 28012, USA

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