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The Importance of Role Models

When was the last time you were asked to think about a role model? We’re asked this question often when we are young, but it is gradually asked less frequently as we age — sometimes to the extent of it never being asked again. Instead, we are told, or expected to be role models. How can we do that when we are no longer encouraged to notice the exemplary individuals around us? Parents, family members, and close family friends are obviously great role models, but there comes a time when these people are no longer directly involved in your daily life. But this does not mean that role models cease to exist, they can still be found in your everyday environment. As human beings, we are impressionable people, and by nature, we look for examples to model our own characters by. It is always important to have someone who inspires you to be better. It is easier to find these people once you begin to look for them. Find someone who displays admiral qualities and exemplifies excellence and virtue within their daily lives.

In my opinion, a role model is someone who does what they think is right and they do it without anyone noticing and without looking for praise. I attend a college with a small student population which allows for the staff to have a larger impact on our lives. On a small campus, we, as students, see everything and word travels fast, thus holding the faculty to a higher standard, one of which they successfully uphold. While there are many positive influences on campus, there are two faculty members who immediately come to mind when I think of role models. I want to share about them in order to show the importance of a role model and their influence on others. These two faculty members embody a life full of excellence and virtue. I have a professor, who in his short time on campus has greatly impacted the student body. His influence can be seen both in and outside of the classroom. He is truly passionate about his job, not only what he is educating us on, but also his students and their performance. When grading work he gives diligent feedback in order for us to improve and reach our fullest potential. He refuses to let us slack off and will call us out on it if he recognizes that our work is not to our fullest capacity. He is also always there for his students outside of the classroom. He responds quickly to emails and is also often found on campus after hours. When on campus he is available to students at all times. Not only will he discuss our classwork, but he is also genuinely interested in what is happening in our lives outside of school. He brings his children on campus and allows them to interact with us and through this demonstrates what it means to be a great father and faithful husband. He also lives out his faith and is willing to discuss it with anyone who is interested. This professor lives his life leading by example, aware of the impact that his position has.

There is another faculty member who positively impacts our community; one of the most inspirational things about her is that she is young and has her life in order. While she demands respect, she is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She always has control over situations. In conversations, she directs every comment and topic towards positivity and kindness, includes everyone in the discussion, and encourages others to do just that. She is not afraid to get involved on campus and will lead by example, especially one of volunteering. One thing that I greatly admire about her is that she is also extremely passionate about her beliefs and always offers great advice. Her door is always open and she is willing to talk about anything. By genuinely living her life and being true to God, herself, and others, she is an example of who every student should strive to be. It is so important to recognize role models because they’re exactly that, who you model yourself after. I can only hope to be half the person that these two are. Remember to always look for role models while looking to improve yourself and striving to be a role model.


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