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Being a Pen Pal

Since Christmas, I have been writing letters to one of my friends. We decided that it would be an awesome way to keep in touch and grow our friendship while being states away from each other. Pen palling with her has been one of the highlights of my year so far, I thought that I would share what it has done for me:

It has deepened my ability to reflect. Writing letters has made me really think inwardly about what to share from my inner thoughts and emotions, and what not to. I think it has made me a more open person with others as well as with myself.

It’s given me a new perspective on my own life. Being a pen pal has allowed me to look back on what has happened in my life, thinking through and realizing the good and the bad times.

It’s added a sense of the unknown into my life. I genuinely look forward to getting a letter (who doesn’t love getting mail?) without knowing exactly what’s going to be inside. Letter writing has definitely taught me patience! And it has given me great joy.

Letter writing, pen pals, these are things that often seem old fashion and distant, but they don’t have to be. There are many opportunities to connect with people through letters, whether it’s a friend, someone on the other side of the world, or incarcerated persons (facilitated through proper channels). The art and skill of letter writing has a lot to offer and teach, and it is something I recommend to everyone!


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