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  • Writer's pictureandthentherewerethree

Let's not get too comfortable

“Yeah, you can’t get too comfortable in life.” It was said in passing, actually in jest, and honestly, my friend probably doesn’t remember that he said it. Maybe he doesn’t remember it, but I've been thinking about it lately—mainly because he’s right. We as a species seek comfort. It goes hand in hand with our need for instant gratification. If we’re not comfortable we fix it immediately: we shift positions, grab a blanket, take pain medicine, remove ourselves from the situation; we simply seek comfort. It’s not bad to be comfortable, there’s a reason we seek it, but one must be okay with discomfort. The only thing guaranteed in life is change. Change is how we grow and become better people. So, comfort is not bad, but, “Yeah, you can’t be too comfortable in life”.

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