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What Your Friend With Autism Wants You To Know

-- Katie :)

What your friend with autism wants you to know in honor of Autism Awareness Month:

  1. They probably don’t want a hug in celebration of a month dedicated to them. Although not all, most people with autism are extremely sensitive to sensory stimulus. This could be anything from the tag scratching the back of their neck, to a hug or unexpected touch, to even something as small as the temperature of a room. All of these could result in an autism meltdown, in which your friend’s nervous system becomes so overloaded with information that they find it hard to gain enough energy to perform everyday tasks.

  2. They don’t know they’re talking too loud. It is common for individuals with autism to speak with a different rhythm, prosody, and/or volume. If you need to tell your friend to quiet down, do so in a calm and quiet manner so that you do not embarrass them.

  3. Quarantine is really hard for them. People with autism rely heavily on a consistent routine to help them feel grounded and normalized. However, it is likely that their usual routine has been skewed by covid-19. This change of pace may cause an increase in external stimulus to their nervous system causing them to have more and more frequent autism breakdowns than normal. Make sure to check up on your friend with autism to see how they are handling this shift in routine. But, maybe don’t call them. Texting is a better option to reduce overstimulation.

  4. People with high functioning autism are still autistic. It’s not fair to expect more from your friend with autism just because they are high-functioning. They’ve probably learned how to mask their ticks to seem as if they are normal. But, know that they often feel very much the opposite of normal. With this in mind, do what you can to help your friend feel as if they belong just as much as anyone else because they may feel like they don’t fit in despite what is actually true.

  5. Not every person with autism is the same, so please please please don’t base your knowledge of autism off of televised stereotypes. Some people with autism love to cuddle, even though a certain material of a shirt may drive them crazy. Some people with autism hate physical touch but know everything you’d ever want to know about cows. Not every person with autism is the same, so please do not treat them as if they are!!

Do your research and start an open dialogue with your friend about how autism has impacted their life. You’ll learn so much! And remember! Your friend with autism is different, not less!

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