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To the Friend, I Walked Away From



It’s been on my mind a lot recently, you know, the whole “true friends will never leave you” and other such sayings that make us want to clasp on tightly to each other’s hands and swear that we’ll always keep in touch. The difficult truth is that sometimes life doesn’t work out in the ways we dreamed it would. Sometimes people don’t remain friends. This letter is not to place blame or rehash whatever happened, neither of those things is needed or necessary. My hope for this letter is that we might both find mutual healing.

The reasons I walked away from our friendship are complex. Know I did not do so lightly, and that letting you go was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I hope I encouraged in you, or perhaps taught you, to love yourself and to take into serious consideration what was helping you grow and what wasn’t. And I hope you can forgive, or at least understand, the reasonings I had for my choice.

Often times, walking away from a relationship is seen as abandonment, a terrible and selfish wrong. But I truly believe that walking away is necessary if done with the right reasons and intentions. Looking back on life through the lens of our friendship has shown me that to be comfortable with yourself you have to be comfortable with your past. I know that I certainly made mistakes and hindsight usually shows us that we’re idiots, but I wouldn’t change anything. The choices I made, the mistakes I committed, the crossroads I walked through, right or wrong they are the actions that I live and grow with. I hope we both can say that those choices were made with the best intentions and true consideration of the knowledge we possessed at the time.

I want to make clear that even though I am no longer a part of your life in the way that I had been, and vice versa, I still cherish our memories. Your friendship was instrumental in my life in helping me grow and become the person I am now. I would not trade the times we shared, the jokes we had, or the love we gave each other for anything in the world.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we were able to reconnect, but it would be as people who have matured and developed. Regardless, I hold on to the nostalgia of our memories and the hope one day for a new kind of hello.

*We do not own the rights to the image*

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