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An Open Letter to the Overachiever

Dear Overachiever,

So you’ve started yet another club. With that free hour, you have on Tuesday nights you probably didn’t even think twice about it, you’ve been wondering how to fill that hour anyways. Plus another club will look great on your resume.

Most overachievers don’t even realize that they have taken on too much. We should all be thankful for our friends who pull us back into reality. It feels unnatural to not constantly have something to do. And what is the harm in always doing something as long as your homework is finished and you’re doing well in your classes? You might even consider it better to fill your hours with people and events instead of binge-watching Netflix; you’re probably wrong.

When you have a number of obligations you rarely have time for yourself. If your obligations are always to other people, it can be difficult to not feel like you’re disappointing them, and that is just draining. As humans, we must focus on our own well being.

Yes, I know that using those colorful pens to fill out your planner every week brings you joy and is satisfying, but make sure there are open spaces in there just to exist. If you don’t have some unscheduled time to be with your friends and family, then you’re probably going to feel left out and disappointed. There’s nothing wrong with joining clubs and groups that you enjoy. Having hobbies and different interest is very healthy, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Not everything has to be scheduled and organized.

As an overachiever, you probably also like leadership and control. Again, this is fine, but don’t take on too much. If you’re involved in six clubs, maybe limit your leadership positions to one or two (and yes, secretary and treasurer are also leadership positions). You don’t have to always be obligated to everything you’re involved in. Leadership is great, but please remember- the world WILL revolve whether or not you are involved in something, you DO NOT have to have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

From one overachiever to another, I know that it is difficult to say no, it may even feel impossible at times. I know what it’s like to be interested in everything under the sun. It doesn’t matter what you’re interested and involved in if you don’t enjoy it. And you can’t enjoy it if you’re stressed about it all the time.

Being an overachiever is okay and you have to own who you are. You also have to make time to be you though. For each activity you’re involved, sure your resume grows, but honestly, it can only be so long or it won’t be read, at least not fully. Be who you are and do what makes you happy! And if you must schedule every minute of your day, remember to schedule time to eat, sleep, breath, and most importantly laugh.


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