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An Open Letter to my Best Friend

Dearest friend,

Thanks for being in my life. It’s not like you had much of a choice, but I still want to say thank you! You have made such an impact on my life that it is unbelievable. When I moved to college, I was honestly afraid I would not make any close friends, but you appeared within that first week. Our friendship started off with multiple weird encounters but for some reason, we both stuck by each other's sides and now we’re inseparable and I am forever grateful.

There are very few people that I can spend hours on end with and I am thankful that you’re one of them. Without you, I am not sure where I would be. Obviously, I know that I can live without you, I did it for almost 19 years, but I’m thankful that I don’t have to because then life would be boring. Who else would I sit and talk with for hours while we avoid homework?

At some point since you’ve come into my life, we’ve begun to adopt each other’s mannerisms. We’ve picked up each other’s body language and phrases. We even occasionally talk in unison (and it’s funny how much it freaks people out). We’re able to communicate solely with looks and laughs. But our communication doesn’t stop there because even with the eye rolls and side glances we’re probably simultaneously holding 5 other conversations too: over text, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and even a side conversation that others can definitely see and hear us snickering about. And sometimes, we’re even on each other’s phones while doing this. This may seem weird to people who do not have a best friend that they are this close with, but to us, it’s literally normal, and we don’t think twice about it.

The real purpose of this letter is to say thank you, so here it goes. Thanks for teaching me to believe in myself and to stand strong in my beliefs. Thank you for boosting my confidence and for showing me my true strength. You always believe in me, even when I feel like I don’t give you any reason to. Thank you for always reminding me of my self-worth. But most importantly thanks for the many memories that we share. All the laughs and late-night pizzas, Sunday afternoon Chinese food runs, and the “studying” at coffee shops that turn into ice cream and analyzing everyone in our lives (because you know, we don’t gossip), will forever be one of the best parts of my college experience. I’m glad that you’re always down for an adventure even if it turns into us getting lost in the city and then ending up at the same sushi restaurant we always go to because we (I) don’t understand how to use Google Maps. Thanks for introducing me to about a thousand new songs in under a year. You did not change my music taste, but you definitely broadened it. Thanks for all the car rides where we blast our very random playlists while we contemplate driving to another state and not returning to school (thanks for always making us return back to school…). I like knowing that I can just burst into your room at any moment with any sort of news and you’ll be there to not only listen but respond appropriately (whether it is getting excited or mad with me or making me realize that I need to be rational in my reaction). Thank you for hearing out every idea that I have, no matter how crazy it may be and then being honest with me about whether I sound insane or not. If there is anything that’s helped me in the time that we’ve known each other it is your honesty. I know that you would never say anything to hurt me and you only want me to be the best version of myself, and thanks for working with me so that I can get there. Thank you so much for being you and for being my best friend. You have truly shown me what an authentic friendship is and I could never be more grateful! Thanks for accepting, embracing, and countering all of my weirdness!  I love you so much! Thanks for being in my life.


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