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An Open Letter From Your Extroverted Friend


As an extrovert who tends to surround myself with introverts, I have found there to be many misconceptions about what it means to extroverted. Most extroverted people love being around people and find it easy to hold a conversation with just about anyone, but here is a list of ten things I wish my introverted friends knew:

1. Social events (especially parties) are not always my cup of tea

Yes, I love being around people and I definitely look for opportunities to go to social events but that does not mean I always enjoy them. Personally I recharge best with one on one time, which brings me to my point—

2. I get overwhelmed in crowds

Part of the reason that I don’t always love social events is that I often get overwhelmed by crowds. I don’t know who to talk to or what to say and I just find a lot of people to be overwhelming.

3. I DO NOT like being the center of attention

This is something that I absolutely hate. Yes, I can talk to anyone and I have a lot of stories to tell, but I do not like when the attention is turned to me.

4. I am shyer than I seem

Sometimes I consider myself to be a shy person. Most people don’t know this because I will just jump straight into conversation if need be, but if I have the opportunity to just sit and listen I likely will. Being extroverted does not always mean that I have to be talking to someone.

5. I don’t always want to mingle and make new friends

I like meeting new people and making new friends, but this goes back to the shy thing. I find meeting new people to be exhausting at times and I would much rather just talk with the friends that I already have.

6. I prefer deep conversation

I am not a fan of small talk. Do I find it easy? Yes, but it bores me. I will, however, hold a deep conversation with anyone and the more thought-provoking it is, the more likely I am to enjoy it and continue it.

7. I don’t want to make that phone call either

I do not want to place that order over the phone, talk to the manager, or book that appointment either. I will call my friends and easily talk for hours, but strangers, that’s a whole other story.

8. I don’t always want to lead or take charge

I will lead if I have to, that is just who I am, but I don’t love when that’s my assumed role. Sometimes I would rather just be a follower.

9. I do like me time

Honestly, sometimes I forget that I need that me time, but it’s essential for everyone. While it may seem like I’m always with people I do find relaxation in the time alone.

10. I’m not trying to push you out of your comfort zone (too much)

Sometimes I forget that not everyone is extroverted, so if I am insistent that we hang out with people or that we go do something and it seems like I do not understand that you want to be alone, it’s more than likely not intentional.

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