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Support Your Artist Friends

Friendly Reminder: Support Your Artist Friends

Hello friends, I just wanted to give a reminder to support your artist friends. Artists, writers, singers, dancers, photographers and anyone else who falls into this category need your help in a very special way. Often times the people who practice these crafts get taken advantage of, especially those who are just starting to try to make a profit off their talents. They get bombarded with people saying “Oh! You can do art? Draw me!”, “Put me in your book!”, “Can you do a photo shoot for me!” Look, while artists love sharing their talents, it’s unfair to expect them to take time out of their busy lives to do any form of art, which are highly complex, for free simply because you’re their friend. So here are some tips to support your friend that can go a long way:

If you ask them to do something professional for you, pay them. Whether it’s a photo shoot, a performance, or something that you asked them to write, pay them. They may or may not want to accept payment depending on how close you are, but offer anyways. Maybe compromise with something, even if it’s taking them out for a nice meal. Affirm them in the belief that their talent is worth something.

Promote them. If they take a nice photo of you or something that you like, give them credit for it. Share something that they wrote, tell who you’re sharing it to who wrote it and why you like it. Write a review for them on the site they’re selling on, like Amazon. If you hear of or see a job offer that suits your friend’s talents, drop their name! Artists get a lot of commissions through word of mouth and personal connections, help them by being one of those people.

Support them. This is honestly one of the easiest things to do. Go to their showcases, buy the book they wrote or the art they’re selling. Also, tell them that you support them. Give them constructive criticisms and advice when you have it. Most importantly, tell them that you believe in them, it will honestly go a long way.

There’s a lot of artists out there who need to know they have the love and support of their friends. I highly encourage you to be one of those friends.


*I actually do own the rights to this picture for once.

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