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Reflection on Notre Dame

It has been two weeks since the cathedral of Notre Dame caught fire. In the aftermath we have seen several French Billionaires, as well as governments like the United States, promising donations and assistance to reconstruct the famous church. If you’ve been on social media in the last couple of weeks, then you’ve doubtless seen many posts calling for people not to donate to Notre Dame but to other pressing crises like the town of Flint in America or Puerto Rico. One very strong sentiment I have come across criticizes how the rich could fix the world’s problems if they utilized their money, instead they waste it on causes like Notre Dame. I don’t think anyone of sound mind would say that these other causes don’t matter, but what is it about the loss of Notre Dame that has seemingly struck a chord around the world?

For Catholics, Notre Dame contains within it all the devotion, prayers, and intentions that went into its construction. It is one of the most magnificent houses of God ever built, a resplendent stage where we not only witness but also participate in the greatest act of sacrificial love. The beauty of a church helps to place the congregation in the appropriate mindset for mass. As physical beings, material and tangible works of art can help us to transcend ourselves. Therefore, Notre Dame in its essence has never been just a building, it has always been a testimony to God, humanity, and history.

So why is this monument of human craftsmanship, ultimately for the glory of God, so important? Notre Dame, in sense, belongs to everyone. In a purely secular perspective, Notre Dame is similar to other structures like the pyramids or the colosseum. It is an exhibition of human craftsmanship that this is not only beautiful but functional as well. In my opinion, the reason why Notre Dame’s destruction stirred such strong emotions in everyone is because it reminded the world of our temporality. Human beauty doesn’t last, even if it’s constructed of stone.

I believe that Notre Dame will be rebuilt, but I think we are all aware that it will never be the same. We should mourn the loss of the cathedral. However, let us also look at its loss as a reminder of our transience and need for good works inside and out of the Church.


*Something Clever does not own the rights to the photo.

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