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Movie Review of Spider-Man: Far from Home

If you’re tired of same old Marvel movie plot after same old Marvel movie plot, Spider-Man: Far from Home is a nice break from every already done superhero movie trope. Though its main conflict doesn’t stray too far from the typical good guy vs. bad guy, unforeseen twists and turns throughout the entire film, even extending into those famous Marvel post-credit scenes, make this super-hero film unique from those before it. However, it is not the action sequences that make this movie unique. The wholesome friendships between Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and his fellow high school classmates, established in Spider-Man: Homecoming, are further developed. This high school drama lends to the humorous, heartfelt, and sometimes angsty energy of the film.

Fans will appreciate the innocent romance between Peter Parker and his high school crush MJ, played by Zendaya. In fact, you may notice some of your fellow movie-going patrons audibly cheering Parker on throughout the film. Caught between the responsibility that comes with super-powers and the desire to be a normal teenage boy, this is truly a coming-of-age film and a welcome breath of fresh air from the emotional intensity of Avengers: Endgame. Additionally, this film works to tie up loose ends left behind by Endgame that may have left fans with questions.

This light-hearted PG-13 action movie might just become your new Marvel favorite! However, the film is a little long at two hours and nine minutes, so maybe avoid your favorite Mexican Restaurant before heading to the theatre.

– Katie

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