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  • Writer's pictureandthentherewerethree

If You Give a Girl a Goat...

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

We see the word “feminism” and think pink t-shirts and pussy cat hats, but we forget, or just don’t realize, that little girls in Africa and Haiti are deprived of ¼ of their education every year when they are pulled out of the classroom during their periods, due to lack of sanitary products. They are taught to feel ashamed of something that is out of their control. Donating to programs that help girls feel empowered in impoverished nations can ensure these girls an education and a brighter future. As International Women’s Month comes to a close, I hope this story, based off of one of my childhood favorites, inspires you to donate!

If you give a girl a goat, it will provide her with a glass of milk.

With this glass of milk, both her and her family can grow big and strong.

And when she is healthy, she will feel the responsibility that comes with being able to support her family.

Then, she’ll feel empowered.

So she’ll want an education,

Or to start her own business.

She might sell its milk,

Or raise her goat and then sell its offspring.

She may even sell the goat at the market.

Then, she’ll want some income.

And with this income, she will be able to make an investment for her future.

This will change her and the women in her community for the better.

Which will allow them to spread confidence and positivity.

They can afford to stay in school, which will change their futures.

So, remember that when you give a girl a goat, you are giving her the tools she needs to live a healthy and productive life.


For more information or to donate, check out these groovy sites:

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