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Top 10 Types of Bread

A food with many purposes, such as sandwiches, appetizers, or even to be thrown at the band Smash Mouth (true story, look it up). Bread is one of the first things we think about when planning a meal, it’s a staple within the American diet. With so many types, it can almost be impossible to choose your favorite; they’re all so good! But I decided to put together a list with my Top 10 Types of Bread:

10) Honey Wheat

Let’s be real, honey wheat bread is never anyone’s first choice—but it’s never anyone’s last either. When making your sandwich it’s a nice change from white bread, and you even convince yourself that it’s healthy because it is wheat! You really cannot go wrong with honey wheat bread.

9) Garlic Bread

Are you really having spaghetti for dinner if you do not have garlic bread to go with it? Everyone’s favorite side is perfect with or without the pasta!

8) Olive Garden Breadsticks

An American delicacy! They may not be the best thing on the Olive Garden menu, but hey, they’re unlimited!

7) Bread Bowls

CARBS! Everything is better in a bread bowl, even mac n’ cheese. You know you’re never going to say no to that bread bowl

6) White

Nothing is better than a classic! White bread works for every type of sandwich and sometimes you just want something plain and simple. White bread, lunch meat, and a slice of cheese, it’s the way to go for a quick, cheap, lunch.

5) Tortillas

Burritos, soft tacos, quesadillas, everything wonderful in your life! I’m not quite sure if tortillas are even a type of

bread, but for the purpose of this article, they are. Tortillas have so many purposes that no matter what your preference, you can find something you enjoy. They’re even great on their own (when warmed up, obviously).

4) Banana Bread

Don’t know what to do with those rotting bananas that you promised yourself that you would eat? Well, make banana bread! It’s a very simple thing to make and it makes for a delicious, sweet treat.

3) Cheddar Biscuits

To be honest, I have never actually had Red Lobster’s Cheddar Biscuits. But I have had one’s made by individuals attempting to replicate the coveted recipe, and I’ve never once been disappointed. I have even had a low carb version that is made out of cauliflower and even those were amazing! Cheddar biscuits are hard to beat.

2) Everything Bagels

Is it even acceptable to eat another type of bagel?

1) Hawaiian Bread

Everyone loves King’s Hawaiian Rolls, but did you know that Hawaiian bread can be used for sandwiches too? It’s honestly a game changer. There’s just something about the soft, sticky, sweet bread that makes you happy.

What are your favorite types of bread?


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