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On March 29th the new movie Unplanned, a pro-life movie based on the life of Abby Johnson, will hit theaters. The project has been hit with criticism from all sides and has received a controversial R rating. Before I officially begin my review, which I hope to make as unbiased as possible, I will offer a disclaimer: I am Catholic and pro-life, these things will naturally reflect in my writing.

That being said, I was incredibly hesitant to go and see Unplanned, but my school provided me with the opportunity to see it through an earlier screening of a director’s cut. I went in with a fairly critical mind, fearing that this movie would be the same as any other overtly Christian movie that hits you over the head with the typical religious tropes. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the movie as a whole.

The movie did have its weak points. The dialogue at times felt unnatural (though it significantly improved after the first thirty minutes). The soundtrack at times seemed out of place and like it was being used to fill the silence, and I personally thought that the narration was overdone. For the most part, the writers managed to stray away from too many cliches, they did have the cookie cutter mean-girl-villain portrayed by Cheryl, the clinical director of the Planned Parenthood before Abby takes over (if you didn’t know Cheryl was the bad guy, you definitely did at the courtroom scene).

However, the movie’s message was clear and strong. It portrayed a real issue in one of the better ways I’ve seen Christian movies attempt. It was just to the people of both sides and in no way tried to demonize the people who support abortion. Rather it showed real relationships within the clinic itself among the workers. They also addressed the example of good pro-lifers (like Shawn and Marilisa), as well as the problem of those who stand on the same side of the fence and scream at women or dress like the Grim Reaper. Most importantly, the movie illustrated struggle, doubt, fear, and ultimately conversion and renewal. Abby Johnson stands out as a passionate, caring, and determined woman that is worth listening to and learning from.

I encourage people to see this movie whether they are pro-life or pro-abortion. Go and watch, be critical as well as open-minded; start (respectful) discussions. I will mention that the movie does have some intense scenes that primarily feature blood. However, as uncomfortable as these scenes are to watch I think they provide an important narrative. As Abby Johnson says in the movie, “No one ever said abortion was pretty”. Though this topic is difficult, it’s one that has to be addressed. All the advice I can give is that, regardless of our views, we must approach one another with love and with recognition of our humanity.


Below are some links provided for hotlines, resources, and websites: + 24/7 hotline (877) 558-0333

Editor’s Note: We do not own the rights to this photo

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