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Movie Review: Yesterday

Updated: Jul 13, 2019


Sometimes when it’s been a Hard Day’s Night you just want to relax with some music. Maybe your go-to choice is not classic rock, but imagine if The Beatles were not even an option! I in no way consider myself a die-hard Beatles fan, but I do enjoy their music and cannot imagine a life without classics such as Let It Be or even Yellow Submarine. But this is exactly the situation for the characters of “Yesterday”. There is a shift in the characters’ timeline that erases The Beatles, along with other common knowledge things, from the memory of almost every individual. The protagonist of the story, Jack Malik, at first thinks his friends are pranking him when they claim not to recognize the classic song Yesterday, but he later learns that he is one of the few individuals who remember the existence of The Beatles. Before this realization, Jack was simply a struggling artist failing to get his music career off the ground. He then decides that there cannot be a world without The Beatles and writes and records all of their classics hits and releases them to the world as his own and gains fame in doing so.

Now after reading the plot summary you’re probably thinking that the concept behind this movie is ridiculous. Honestly, I was also skeptical about seeing “Yesterday” and went only to see how awful it would be. I went to make fun of the movie and left singing its praises. The movie is, in fact, ridiculous, but that is what makes it so wonderful. The film is very light-hearted and constantly had me laughing. If you’re looking for a simple feel-good movie that will have you singing along, I recommend no other than “Yesterday”! After this movie, you’ll definitely never forget The Beatles!

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