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Julie and Julia

This 2009 movie may have only received 76% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I would give this movie a 10/10. Julie and Julia is a wholesome movie, despite the slightly disappointing ending (don’t worry, I won’t spoil it). The movie follows both the lives of Julia Childs and Julie Powell on their journeys to better themselves as chefs. Despite the constant shift in plots, the movie is easy to follow. Julia Childs is a now-famous chef who worked diligently to succeed at what she loved—cooking. She wrote a number of cookbooks and hosted a T.V. show that inspired many to be better chefs themselves. One of these inspired people was Julie Powell. Powell decided to take on a challenge where she started a blog following her journey of creating 524 of Julia Childs’ recipes within the span of one year while living in a small apartment with her husband. The movie follows both women on their journeys to success. It is filled with frustration and many failures that are overpowered by joy, laughter, perseverance, inspiration, and success.

Watching this movie was a nice break from the overwhelming, fast-paced world. It doesn’t require much thought or attention and allows you to relax and get lost in the moment as you watch it. There will be many moments of laughter and joy, and while you will probably be rooting for a different ending, I am sure you will enjoy Julie and Julia as much as I did.


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