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Starting A Prayer Life

So, in starting this blog, my friends and I split up which articles we were going to do, and this one fell to me. My mind was immediately filled with all the serious topics and controversy that arise daily on the internet. While we will get to writing blogs about those types of things, I didn’t want to dive in too deep, head first. Instead, I wanted to briefly discuss something everyone struggles with: personal relationship with God.

As a college student I am intensely aware that life is a balancing act. I juggle school, family/friends, work, clubs, and the all the important relaxation time, and all of this leaves me with a singler question: where is God in my life? It struck me the other day that beginning a prayer life is very similar to trying to start an exercise routine. We often fall into the trap of thinking that we can start off by doing everything. Whether that’s going to Mass everyday, praying for an hour, and going to Bible study; it is very easy to become overwhelmed. So, you need to approach a prayer life like going to the gym. Expecting to immediately be able to go to the gym five times a week for an hour each time is unrealistic. Instead you start with reasonable goals and work yourself up to the point where you are able to go more and for longer times. A prayer life functions in the same way, start with the basics and work yourself up to the point where you are doing more and more. It also helps to change the routine from time to time and take advantage of the resources offered around you. But in reality, the most important thing to realize, is that you will fail sometimes. Failure is okay, as long as you can pick yourself up and try again. And a quick thing to take note of, is to not compare yourself to anyone else and how they might appear to be doing. Everyone has struggles in their lives, especially when it comes to God. Lastly, be gentle with yourself and know that it is never too late to begin again.


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